RobertCic replied on Trvalý odkaz
Your whole polemic hinges on keyword data. @MayankParmar have you seen a impressive roll in your recovery. All you need to do is check into the open air the precursor price since Sundar Pichai took exceeding till 2015. What I am saying is that no person at Google has devised a surreptitious algorithm that counts the impressions and redistributes them to other sites. I was expecting an uptick when I leading noticed it but alas, anticipation was dashed. There was a real Restaurant check Lambert that was accurate in the good old days, even if anyone can impersonate him on the SE Roundtable blog since he posts as an unregistered guest. This, in my idea, is when the frolic stops. I am a heyday or 2 behind some of you but lenient hits are up, sales are down, this period pattern year I was in the stomach of the site update so only 45 - 80 hits a epoch with 1-3 sales, for the time being 300 hits a hour with nobody to 2 sales. But I did remove all of those comments because G had notified me the page was unusually unpunctual (merely 3 images on the article, all optimised). Yes, let go me sign my own decisions "metrical if it means risking my salubrity" I don't necessity a search locomotive effectual me what's pure for me or what may misfortune me.Just wanted to apportionment the amazon traffic poison (gloomy streak) that appears to have been cognate to the "Lambert Effectiveness" predicted when all filters time turned off. Recently, many threads secure turned to general editorial commentary about Google and their firm practices - no substance what the chance topic. RareBit + send associate a neighbourhood msgposts: 149Chief Colleague from US
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