
I'm sorry but I can't really support a game that puts dinosaurs and humans in the same time period. Dinosaurs died out almost 65 million years before modern humans appeared. Now if you wanted to recast it, and make it more historical and scientific you should remember that this was the Age of Megafauna with things like Smilodons (sabertooth cats, dire wolves (the REAL ones, not those wimpy D&D things), cave bears, giant sloths, and wooly mammoths. There may also have been "enclaves" of Phorusrhacids, colloquially known as terror birds, which were an extinct clade of large carnivorous flightless birds (avian-dinosaurs) that were the largest species of apex predators in South America during the Cenozoic era; their temporal range covers from 62 to 1.8 million years (Ma) ago. If you want to know what being caught by one would have been like, the bones of the beak were tightly fused together, making the beak more resilient to force from the front to back direction, thus suggesting that it could cause a great amount of harm through pecking but not by side-to-side head movements like shaking prey. Generally speaking, it is thought that a terror bird would use its feet to injure prey by kicking it, and to hold the prey down and dispatch by pecking at it with its large beak. Larger prey may also have been attacked by pecking and kicking, or by using the beak as a blade to strike at or slash vital organs.